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This herb clears heat and resolves toxins, It boost the immune system, it aides in colds and flu, invigorates the blood, high fever, mumps, red and swollen eyes and ears, Abscesses, boils, it's a antiviral, anti-inflammatory, It's a Natural Anti-biotic


 The average shelf life of our products are 5 years... All of our products are herbs and minerals that contain no harmful drugs or chemicals...Our herbs come in satchet / tea bag form and normally contain 18 to 20 tea bags...


INGREDIENTS: : lex root, Evodia leaf, Chrysanthemum flower, Vitex herb, Isatis root, Lonicera flower, Green tea, Rhizome of five leaf, Gynostemia, Honeysuckle, Fructus canarii


“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to treat, prevent or cure disease"

Para Hier Reeba / PHR

$35.00 Regular Price
$29.75Sale Price

5 Day Blowout Sale

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