This Herb has a history of reducing Bad Cholesterol and increases Good Cholesterol, Improves Cardiac function, Modulates (adjusts) blood pressure, Strengthens the body immune system, Fights cancer, Enhances the production of white blood cells, Increases the body resistance to stress, anxiety, fatigue and trauma by calming the nervous system. It relieves headaches, Improves Diabetic conditions, It improves Prostate Health, Improves Chronic Bronchitis, prevents the formation of plaque in arteries, delays aging, improves skin, proplongs human life and is considered a Miracle Herb. This herb helps to control Blood sugar like no other herb I've seen. It has a strong BITTER TASTE and makes you frown when you drink it but I love the effects of this herb.
This is Guangzhi Gumona in pill / capsule form.....
The average shelf life of our products are 5 years... All of our products are herbs and minerals that contain no harmful drugs or chemicals...Our herbs come in satchet / tea bag form and normally contain 18 to 20 tea bags...
INGREDIENTS: Panax Ginseng, Lycium Barum, Euccomiaceae, Clio Chrysanthemum, Fructus Leomun, Rhizoiua, Semen Cassiae, Chuanxiong, Cortex Alibiziae, Eucalyptus Leaf, Thyme Leaf, Licorice Root, Tulsi Leaf, Ginger Root, Cinnamon Bark, Mullein Leaf,
“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to treat, prevent or cure disease"
Guangzi Gumona Pills / GGP
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