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This herb strengthens blood capillaries,

rich in Vitamin C, Tannis, Choline, Rutin, Amino Acids, Calcium, Promotes

healthy metabolism, lowers blood pressure, increases blood flow, Cancer,

Allergies (contains Astragalin which stops histamine release), soften blood

vessels, Weight loss (it lowers lipid levels), Lung Disorders, Asthma, reduces

sweating, slow and stops bleeding, anti ager, relaxing (stress), Liver and

kidney tonic, helps to digest greasy foods, rich in iron, magnesium



 The average shelf life of our products are 5 years... All of our products are herbs and minerals that contain no harmful drugs or chemicals...Our herbs come in satchet / tea bag form and normally contain 18 to 20 tea bags...


INGREDIENTS: : Honeysuckle, Mulberry leaf, Peppermint, Herbalophatheri, Reed Rhizome, Radix platycodonis, Licorice, Radix isatidis, : Green Tea, Devil Claw root, Yucca Root, Eleutheroroot, Turmeric Root, Ginseng, Germinatus, Poria Cocos Wolf


“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to treat, prevent or cure disease"

Emechiisponia / EMEC

$49.99 Regular Price
$30.00Sale Price

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